Friday, January 29, 2010


AIEEE 2010:
All India Engineering Entrance Examination 2010 would consist of two papers. The first paper would consist of three parts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of equal weightage with objective type questions for BE/B.Tech courses and 2nd paper would consist of Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing for B. Architecture and B. Planning. The Aptitude Test is designed to evaluate candidate's perception, imagination, observation, creativity and architectural awareness.

Examination Schedule

AIEEE 2010 will be conducted on the following dates as per schedule given below:

Last Date of Receipt of Application Form: January second week, 2010. (dates may be extended for candidates from remote areas namely. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi sub division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep)

Date of AIEEE 2010: April End, 2010

Date of Issuing Forms: December first week, 2009 to January first week, 2010

Last Date of Receipt of Forms: Mid December, 2009

Expected Date of Result: First week of June, 2010

For those unable to appear in AIEEE on scheduled date of examination for any reason, no re-examination shall be held under any circumstances. The schedule will remain unaltered even if the date is declared as a public holiday.

For details, please contact the Programme Officer, Educational Consultants India Limited, EDCIL House, .18 A, Sector 16 A, Noida-201301 (Uttar Pradesh) Telephone: 0091 - 0120 - 2512001 to 2512006, Fax No. 0091 - 0120 - 2515372 E. Mail -

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